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Regain Control, Renew Your Confidence

Win Against Regain

in just 21 days!

If you've landed on my slice of the internet, you're likely a weight loss surgery patient facing the challenge of regain.

Step inside and uncover FREE resources designed to help you understand the causes of regain and develop daily habits that motivate you to confidently and effortlessly start winning again!


Turn Your Podcast Passion to Profit 

Monetize Your Channel

in just twelve weeks 

Join our community and learn the secrets of Podcasters who are making a living from their channels.

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Download the Free Guide

Nourish Your Success

Master Your Mindset

Step Into  Daily Action 

Because Losing Your Regain Means Winning Your Life Back!  

Choosing not to take action today could mean facing another year of frustration, disappointment, and declining health. Imagine looking back a year from now, still struggling with the same weight regain, battling self-doubt, and feeling isolated without the support you need. By not joining my supportive community and structured programs, you risk missing out on the opportunity to reclaim your health, confidence, and happiness. Don't let another year go by without taking control of your life and achieving the results you deserve and the reason why you had weight loss surgery. The cost of inaction is too high when fear ruining your surgery are at stake.


Win Against Regain Today!

Nourish Your Success

Structured eating and meal prep ideas to help you make healthier food choices effortlessly, ensuring balanced nutrition and sustainable weight management.

Master Your Mindset

Mindset coaching and strategies to overcome fears and build confidence, empowering you to stay motivated and resilient throughout your weight loss journey.

Step into Action

Habit-forming activities and accountability support to keep you on track, helping you develop and maintain healthy routines for lasting success.



I've been where you are... 

Navigating the ups and downs after weight loss surgery, facing regain, and feeling like you're at a standstill.

I've experienced the same struggles, the moments of doubt, and the frustration that comes with thinking you're not making progress or failing your surgery.

But here's the thing:

After overcoming these hurdles, I've guided countless individuals just like you to not only lose their regain but also to embrace a journey filled with confidence and control.


By understanding the root causes of regain. Implementing daily, sustainable habits. And, most importantly, learning to enjoy the foods you love without losing sight of your goals.

This isn't just about losing weight; it's about gaining a lifestyle where you feel in control and empowered. A path that takes you off the isolated road of uncertainty and into a world where your regain is not a setback, but a step forward.

Curious to see how this approach can transform your journey?

Hear What People Are Saying...

"I felt like I was failing my surgery until I joined the January Back on Track Challenge. To date, I have lost 31.9 lbs in 4 months! Now I feel so empowered and I'm on my way back to reaching goal weight again!"

Laurie R., #31 Pounds Lost 

"I joined my first challenge in June of 2023.  After trying everything out there, I realized during the challenge something was different.  I am winning my life back!"

Susan A, #83 Pounds Lost

My Winning Against Regain Success Path Will Help You Win at Your Weight Loss Surgery!  

Choose your preferred method of learning and

let's get started


Kickstart your weight loss journey with our intensive 21-day challenge designed for those who have experienced weight regain after surgery. You'll get access to a structured eating plan, healthy habit-forming activities, daily motivation, accountability support, weekly live coaching calls, and a vibrant community to keep you on track.


Join the exclusive membership and gain access to ongoing support, advanced resources, and a network of like-minded individuals. With this membership, you'll receive continued guidance, regular coaching sessions, access to a comprehensive resource library, and continuous motivation to ensure you stay on your path to success.


Take your transformation to the next level with personalized coaching sessions with Tosha. You’ll receive one-on-one guidance tailored to your unique needs, advanced resources, and dedicated support to help you achieve your goals. Experience the benefits of individualized attention and a customized plan to ensure lasting success..


I know how it feels to struggle with weight regain and the frustration that comes with it because I’ve been there too. After years of feeling uncomfortable in my own skin, I reached a turning point and decided to confront my mindset and insecurities head-on. This journey led to the creation of a proven system that has empowered thousands of women just like you.

Imagine waking up every day feeling confident, healthy, and ready to tackle any challenge. Our structured programs are designed to help you reclaim your health and confidence, winning your life back one day at a time. With our supportive community, you'll have the tools, guidance, and encouragement you need to achieve daily victories and long-term success.

We are not defined by the weight we've lost, but by the strength and courage it took to begin. Let me guide you on this journey to reclaiming your life and winning against weight regain, one victory at a time. Together, we can unlock your true potential and make every day a win.

While you are waiting to start your journey with us

Download the Eating Structure

Bariatric Eating Made Simple! Â